6 Benefits of Incorporating a QR Code

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QR codes have become a familiar sight in today's marketing world. Typically, businesses use them to connect with their customers. 

Even though QR codes have been around for a while, many people are still unaware of their potential.

Today we'll explore the benefits of incorporating a QR code into your marketing strategy. We'll also look at the difference between static and dynamic QR codes. Read on!

What Is A QR Code?

A QR code is a two-dimensional barcode that smartphones and other devices can read. They are becoming increasingly popular due to their ability to store more information than traditional barcodes.

QR codes can store various data types, such as website URLs, contact information, plain text, etc.

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Types Of QR Codes: Static Vs. Dynamic QR Codes

There are two main types of QR codes: static and dynamic. Let's look at the main differences between static and dynamic QR codes.

What Are Static QR Codes?

Static QR codes are the most common type of QR code. They are generated with a fixed URL, meaning that once you've created them, you can't change them later.

These QR codes are suitable for most purposes, such as linking to a website or sharing contact information. They are also the less expensive option, as they do not require any subscription to generate.

What Are Dynamic QR Codes?

Dynamic QR codes are smart QR codes. 

Clever marketers generate a dynamic QR code with a URL that they can change even after creating the QR code. This flexibility means you can track valuable data. For instance, you can track how many people have scanned your code, where they came from, and what devices they used.

Dynamic QR codes are so powerful that you can also change the destination URL. Changing them on the fly makes a dynamic QR code perfect for time-sensitive promotions and campaigns.

Dynamic QR codes also allow you to add password protection, making them more secure than the typical, standard static QR code.


The Benefits Of Incorporating QR Codes Into Your Marketing Strategy

At Boston Retail Solutions, we want you to get the most benefit out of using QR codes. 

Through our years of experience, we've compiled the following list of ultimate reasons to use a QR code in your next marketing strategy.

Create A Positive First Impression

Whether your business uses dynamic QR codes or static QR codes, they are essential in creating a positive first impression.

QR codes show that you are up-to-date with the latest technology and willing to go the extra mile to connect with your customers. Therefore, prospects see your company as innovative and forward-thinking. Potential customers will be more likely to do business with you.

Studies show QR codes also impact purchase intent and customer satisfaction. In other words, when you include a QR code, you improve the first impression of your company and increase sales.

Connect Offline And Online Channels

In the past, businesses used offline channels, such as large format graphics and TV commercials to reach their target market. However, people are spending more and more time online.

QR codes provide a way to bridge the gap between offline and online channels. 

By letting customers scan a QR code on a physician medium, you can redirect them to your website, social media page, or even an e-commerce store.

With QR codes, you can track how effective your offline marketing efforts are and see which channels are driving the most traffic.

Save Time

Time is an essential commodity in the business world. No matter how big or small your company is, there is always a never-ending to-do list.

QR codes can help you save time by allowing customers to access information instantly. For example, if you are hosting an event, you can use QR codes to share attendees' event schedules and locations.

Sharing information via QR codes is much faster than printing out the information or sending it via email. As a result, you can use your time more effectively to focus on other tasks.


Use Multimedia Content

QR codes allow you to share multimedia content, such as images and videos. 

With the growth of the metaverse and increasing demand for video and images, QR codes are perfect for sharing a product demonstration. 

Savvy marketers can also use QR codes to show potential customers how to use a complex service. 

By sharing this type of content, you can provide a better user experience and increase customer satisfaction. You also help eliminate any sales-blocking questions or issues, leading to increased sales.

How To Tap Into The Benefits Of Using QR Codes

Now that you know the benefits of using static and dynamic QR codes, it's time to incorporate them into your marketing strategy. Below are a few tips on how to get started:

  • Design wisely: Keep your QR code design simple and make sure it is visible. The last thing you want is for customers to be struggling to scan your code.
  • Test, test, test: Always test your QR code before using it in marketing materials. You can ensure that the destination URL is working correctly by testing it.
  • Be clear: Don't hide the purpose of the QR code from your customers. Be clear about what will happen when they scan your QR codes.
  • Add value: When they scan your QR code, you should provide your customers with value. Offer them a coupon, discount, or even just valuable information.


Final Thoughts

QR codes are a powerful marketing tool that can provide numerous benefits for your business. 

By incorporating QR codes into your marketing strategy, you can connect with customers, save time, and track valuable data.

Something worth noting is that QR codes are not a one-size-fits-all solution. It's essential to understand your customer base and what type of QR code would be most beneficial for them.

Understanding what your customers want and need is essential for any successful marketing campaign. 

If you're still unsure how to get the most out of your QR codes, contact us. We'll be happy to help you generate the perfect QR code for your needs!

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